Let’s Get Intersectional.
Coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw and examined by bell hooks and Audre Lorde, intersectionality is an essential framework in understanding how social categorizations and identities—such as race, class, ability, sexual orientation, gender—overlap and intersect to create unique experiences of oppression. Because all inequality is not created equal and homogeneity is limited to a single narrative.
For me, intersectionality is radical inclusion in practice. It concerns itself with the redistribution of power and justice that intersectionality can bring for those who are on the margins.
At GOOD TO BE GOOD, we attempt to apply an intersectional lens to our work so hopefully, we don’t get to the position where someone might say, “This isn’t for me. This is for someone else.”
Thank you to the magnificent women and individuals for bringing this message to life. I respect you, I admire you. Your love for radical equality is a public good. ✊🏾 Friends, please follow their work below! 👇🏾
Repost @goodtobegoodfoundation
Today is #InternationalWomensDay. And we have something to say.
We invite you to get intersectional today—and every day—so that no woman and gender-diverse person gets left behind.
The full transcription can be found here: https://bit.ly/3sQ6zde
Sarah Barzak @sarah.barzak
Debbie King @supafitmama
Shreya Patel @imshreyapatel
Nneka MacGregor @womenatthecentre
Jenn Harper @jennlharper
MPP Bhutila Karpoche @bhutilakarpoche
MPP Dr. Jill Andrew @jillslastword
Char San Pedro @sanpedrochar
Karyn Inder @karyninderr
Nadia George @nadiageorgeofficial
Directed & Edited by: Shreya Patel @windowdreamsproductions
Editor: Mark Guido @markaguido
Produced by: Char San Pedro & GOOD TO BE GOOD
DOP: Westin Nguyen
Assistant: @anna_vagabova
Location: @lovtstudio
Jewelry: @bluboho
A special thank you to Find Your Stride, Mecca Ongy, @tess_morgann, @luckyylavender & Zach, @natalijasphotos, @smythebrand, Spencer Julien, and Nancy Robb.
To unpack Intersectionality, we encourage you to read the work of @kimberlecrenshaw.
Women have always been leaders.
Despite popular perceptions, women have always led in their local communities, governments, businesses, and will only continue to blaze pathways for the rest of us to follow. As mothers and nurturers, women lead. As organizers, creators, and multi-faceted doers, women lead. As people who make everyday decisions and create action, women lead. In every case, women have shown us that unfeigned leadership isn’t about requiring a following of thousands or elevating oneself through authoritarian strategies—but about lifting others, no matter the circumstances. When a woman affects one life, they are a natural leader in their own right. This is not a recent phenomenon; nor did women begin to demonstrate these dynamic qualities until recently.
The contrary is true: women’s leadership—distinctly in Black, Brown, Indigenous spaces—has been a central, though often misrepresented or under-represented, part of history. These preeminent stories are often untold and remain overlooked on many levels. Simply stated: they’ve been shrouded in patriarchal forms of hierarchy.
Pervasive gender injustices and biases against women not only violate a woman’s right to live free but also undermines their innate power and contributions. When we fail to acknowledge women as equals—viewing them as nothing more than commodities or fallen victims or caregivers within the domestic domain—we are bound never to know true equality. If we are to build a better, sustainable, equitable world, we must recognize women as having been vital agents of change to the progress made thus far. We must finally understand that progress depends on the full co-operation and collaboration of all partners. Real progress will always be a co-ed endeavour.
Recognizing goes beyond the literal term—it involves valuing participation, supporting growth, addressing hindrances and needed competencies, challenging systems that uphold gender beliefs and stereotypes, and championing unique and diverse female and female-identified women efforts across all aspects of human life.
The fight for each woman to have their voice heard and respected is a global one, beginning in our own homes and hearts.
Women have always been leaders. Now, then, and evermore.
“#PANGAIAChangemakers is a global platform for everyone, everywhere to shine a light on the positive impact individuals can have on the communities that they’re a part of. They invite people to engage with them, tell their stories, and share their voices.”
Thank you to the The PANGAIA team for including our Good To Be Good work in this inspiring #PANGAIAChangemakers campaign. Your commitment to transparency, planet-friendly alternatives, and broader conversations about sustainability science and circular economy is a beacon for other brands and coalitions. To continue to dedicate my existence to the well-being of others and the planet is a choice that I meet with a full, grateful heart. 💚
Friends, remember that our greatest challenges ask us to be kind to ourselves and each other; to be responsible without blame; and to participate in collectiveness in our own unique ways. Practical tactics are helpful—and they absolutely count—but the quality of its outcomes are determined by the degree of emotional labor we put into each act. Stay kind to all things Life. 🌳
Check out their IGTV for the full video, and you can also read the transcribed videos by visiting the PANGAIA official website. Or link: https://thepangaia.com/blogs/changemakers/char-san-pedro
4 Years Strong.
Good To Be Good Foundation is 4 today!! What began as an informal initiative of friends donating essential goods for local shelters in lieu of birthday and Christmas gifts, soon transformed into my greatest accomplishment. Our grassroots non-profit has evolved into a platform where our “small yet mighty” acts of kindness can be turned into sustainable action; our personal responsibility turned into collective impact; and where our love for humanity is expressed practically and with empowerment by supporting women and those who need it the most.
In 2016, I sought out to create an inclusive, anti-oppressive, feminist-led, action-based aid organization anchored in an interconnected framework with the simple motivation of ‘being of service’ to others. I hoped, that with Good To Be Good, we could fulfill our duty as compassionate and resilient human beings by directing our attention to every aspect of human suffering because our liberation is bound together. A duty to ensure we all do something to build a kinder, more just, equitable world that affords ALL people, including the protection of women’s and girls’ fundamental rights. And we could do this right now, as we are, with what we have.
Between 9 fundraising events to our ‘UNDIVIDED’ awareness campaigns, our work has expanded, adjusted, grown, all the while responding year-round to the injustices that affect the historically marginalized and vulnerable groups on a grassroots level. Every donation has helped us provide hands-on, restorative support for those who have felt the effects of gender-based violence, abuse, social isolation, poverty, and inequality. As a volunteer-powered organization, we’re able to serve directly and devote time to advocating for social justice issues important to us.
Without the continued support from our generous and caring community, we would not be able to do the work that we do. All of my gratitude to you! In an especially challenging year, I know I am surrounded by the benevolence and unity of those who are fighting the good fight. Hold fast to your vision of a peaceful world that leaves no one behind, dear friends.
Spun Studio at Sistering
Some may say we are most fulfilled when we are responsibly proactive. But beyond the duty lies its joy. I have found that giving liberates the soul and any opportunity to give back to our community, to our planet, to each other, is a strong way forward for change. It offers a fuller perspective – one that reminds us of why we’re really here and what matters most.
It’s not about how big or small the act is, but the great love and awareness we put into our giving. And when we are willing to be brave with our attention, we can experience a deeper sense of love that feels bigger than ourselves. An act of kindness is valued more than the grandest intention and unequivocally benefits the human family. They are investments that make life worthwhile.
Wherever you go, I hope this is the message you convey. And with whatever you do, I hope you begin from the premise that we only have one humanity – that we’re all human together.

These are my sisters at @spunstudioto – a nonprofit social enterprise at Sistering that plays a growing role in supporting women’s empowerment and rebuilding socially, emotionally, and economically.
Many of the women that enter this safe, supportive space – whether it’s for a textile class, art workshop or perhaps a mentorship program with me – come from marginalized backgrounds. The opportunities and creative environments accessible to them here represent a vital source of skill and confidence building, supplemental income, and life-generating creativity.
This holiday, we gathered, we laughed (plenty), we listened, we shared a meal, we came together as love. They are brave, they are curious, they are hopeful, they are accepting not only of others but of themselves, they are deserving, they are powerful, they are LOVE. These smiles mean the world to me. I am excited for all that they’ll bring into the world and for what they’ve already poured out so beautifully simply by being who they proudly are. Mele Kalikimaka from my heart to yours. Please continue to give generously. It matters.
UNDIVIDED v3 – Good To Be Good Foundation Women’s Awareness Campaign
Together, we are unified in our purpose of supporting women, mobilizing human rights, and amplifying a woman’s and girl’s dignity, equity, and value to society.
This campaign promotes inclusion and honest diversity – individually and collectively.
Today, and every day, we honour the vast glory of a woman’s challenges and her uninhibited possibilities. We celebrate women unifying across sectors, courageous across all borders. We galvanize towards a sustainable world – one that is shared with an army of sisters, near and far, and undoubtedly a better place when we live and work together in harmony for the good of all. 🌍
This campaign also aims the spotlight on the Canadian Women’s Foundation by tribute of @thegivingrosesproject. Please support generously.🌹
The 3rd Good To Be Good Foundation ‘UNDIVIDED’ campaign featured in the latest issue of Luxur Lux Magazine and Creators Magazine! Available now!
Our all-female team:
Photographer: Tara Noelle
Producer/CD: Char San Pedro @goodtobegoodfoundation
Set Design: Wild North Flowers (Bethany Rose)
Stylist: Aliecia Brissett (Brands: MLM Label, ZIRAN, One Teaspoon, Jenny Bird)
MUA: Irina Badescu, Lauryn Hopwood, Allana Davis
Studio: Album Studio Rentals (Toronto)
Heart Health
Our hearts work beat by beat, never resting for the whole of our lives to pump blood throughout our bodies. It is one of the most vital organs that keeps us going, never asking for anything in return but to treat it like the priceless commodity it is.
My personal wellness was partly influenced by a loved one and her painful experiences. She has suffered from one too many cardiovascular illnesses – THREE that neared fatality. She rarely considered the cumulative effect of her daily decisions that ultimately contributed to heart attacks, artery clogging and coronary disease. An active person who sleeps well, laughs abundantly, swears off from drinking and smoking, though, when it came to her diet, has been conditioned (and addicted) to eating food that ultimately served her health poorly.
Our insides should not be neglected, and we can absolutely take responsibility — in a practical, economical and beautiful way – before a metabolic disorder transpires. What you put on your fork is correlated to the possibility of disease or optimal health maintenance. Like adequate exercise, sleep, environmental toxin protection, and mental health, healthy food supports vitality and overall nutrition so our organs, most importantly our heart, can do their functions well. There are simple ways you can make lifestyle improvements with diet:
cutting sneaky refined sugars,
steering clear from added salt and unhealthy fats,
make water your beverage of choice over pop/alcohol/sugary drinks,
and most importantly, consuming whole plant-based foods such as veggies and fruits.
Eliminate meat intake (hormones, chemicals, inflammation, high TMAO, persistent organic pollutants, internal fat), dairy (high-insulinogenic) and processed crap. A widespread of epidemiological research gives evidence to a vegan diet being disease and chronic virus protective. All linking plant foods, plant constituents such as fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals are effective strategies to support higher immune function and reduce risk of cancer (for my loved one’s case heart failure) diagnosis and recurrence.
No matter the food habits or patterns you create, please make sure much of it is full of proven, SIMPLE preventive medicine: the abundance that is nature. You are worthy.
Human Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery – ‘Girl Up’ Screening + Awareness Panel
Human trafficking is an extreme human rights violation and from my view, a global feminist issue. It is one of the largest and most lucrative social injustices of our time. There are more people as slaves today than at any point in history.
The magnitude of the issue is so broad and occurs in many forms from forced labour, agricultural work, involuntary domestic servitude, child marriages to sexual exploitation.
The reality is that it’s embedded in our everyday lives, happening all around us. We cannot deduce human trafficking to only developing countries or in dark alleys, narratives we’re often told with salacious points that are more provoking for journalism and media. Or Hollywood depictions of eerie men using immediate kidnapping tactics or physical restraint on stock character type of the ‘girl next door.’ Research show that there is no standard profile which means anyone can be vulnerable to trafficking, though, keep in mind that those who face structural inequalities and live in marginalized communities can increase their susceptibility to recruitment.
Force, fraud and coercion have a multitude of complexities that are results of social, economic and political problems. There are various contributors that allow human trafficking environments to flourish from mental illness all the way to impacts of globalization. The inbound pipeline to trafficking commonly being vulnerability and types of poverty.
The good news is, that there multiple entry points for us to create holistic solutions in ending this deplorable crime in our lifetime. We must do this together by having uncomfortable, necessary conversations at home/work/school, asking informed questions, donating to organizations (namely BOOST For Kids) that offer quality, long term aftercare and services, urging local and government leaders to increase systems that address and protect human rights, and bringing full awareness to what’s going on so that we’re able to invest in people, our relationships and the human family. Inform the police if you notice anything suspicious. And pls share this national hotline: 1-833-900-1010, available 24/7.
Thank you Shreya Patel for your cause-driven artistry + GIRL UP, the exceptional Rhonelle Bruder of @rise.initiative and Kim Dhillon for your education and power, and everyone who helped us engage and serve on our mission of equality.
Photos from our GIRL UP screening + human trafficking awareness panel can be found below:

Girl Up is a documentary that sheds light in the world of human trafficking in Toronto. Directed by Shreya Patel (@imshreyapatel), the film is supported by and stars MPP Laurie Scott and Journalist Tamara Cherry. Toronto International Film Festival connected the documentary to the Civic Action Summit which happens every 4 years. By invites only, hundreds of civic leaders come together to combat issues and come up with solutions for a change. Clips of the documentary were showcased to elected officials, senior business executives, and community advocates to start the conversation on how to combat human trafficking. Girl Up had a world premiere at the 18th Annual Filmi: Toronto’s South Asian Film Festival.
The evolution of fashion is gradually growing toward these important standards. The industry is responding to the awareness among consumers in the demands of transparency, fair living wages for those who make our clothes and alternative materials that don’t negatively impact the environment. We’re seeing a shift – especially in our everyday behaviours. With that, more companies are transforming their business objectives while improving short and long-term supply chains to build a better, comprehension-approached system.
The concept of sustainability is founded on 3 pillars: economic, environmental and social equity. The truth is, fashion (whether designer or that simple t-shirt you bought for a weekend) has a BIG connection to everything around us. Our natural environment needs to be protected by using and developing eco-friendly/fair trade components to address climate change and resource shortages. Makers need be ensured fair incomes, working conditions and worker’s justice. The careless promotion of “buy, use, discard, repeat” needs to be quashed. The impact of fashion deeply affects many industries it touches. It has never been more vital for us to create and consume with responsibility.
How can you, as a modern, intelligent consumer, do your part? Do some research before making your next (fashion) purchase. Support ethical brands that are manufactured in an environmentally and socially conscious manner, even if at times comes with a lofty price tag. Buying fewer, higher quality pieces you love that are ethically made tend to last much longer in your closet than those of the fast-fashion method. With some brands, your purchase supports local artisans (the majority of whom are women) all over the world. There are positive benefits of up-cycling, swapping, renting and borrowing clothes as well. From sourcing to wearing, the ways to prioritize production and consumption sustainability are endless and available. This is not a trend or niche market but a holistic tactic to consumption that requires our conscious and innovative efforts.
Big love to some of my favourite female-led brands (tagged!) maximizing benefits to workers and communities involved, while minimizing carbon footprint. Their collections are beautiful (and affordable!) too. Please continue to support women and our planet. 💚

Dress: Cleobella – “Cleobella’s handmade process allows us the pleasure of personally working with local artisans and small factories, creating jobs and sustainable incomes around the world.” Make Up: The Organic Skin Co, Antonym Cosmetics

Dress: Bird + Kite – “Our pieces are hand crafted in small batches. We use ancient and traditional techniques that support small, family run businesses and ethical work practices. The handmade element of our manufacture supports slow fashion.”

Top: YIREH – “Transparency: Ethically Made. We are passionate about creating slow-fashion apparel by producing small-batch collections throughout the year.” Pants: Novella Royale – Designed, sourced and handmade with love in Southern California.